Sunday, November 19, 2017


Aren’t              = are not
Can’t               = cannot
Couldn’t          = could not
Didn’t                         = did not

Doesn’t           = does not
Don’t               = do not
Hadn’t             = had not
Hasn’t             = has not
He’d                = he had
                        = he would
He’ll                = he will
Haven’t           = have not
He’s                 = he is/he was
Here’s              = here is
I’d                   = I Had, I Would,
                          I should
I’ll                   = I will, I shell
I’m                  = I am
Isn’t                 = is not
It’d                  = it had, it would
It’ll                  = it will
I’ve                  = I have
Let’s                = Let us
Ma’am             = madam
Mustn’t           = must not
Needn’t           = need not
She’d               = she had
She’ll               = she will
She’s               = she is
Shouldn’t        = should not
That’ll              = that will
That’s              = that is
There’s            = there is
They’d             = they had
They’ll             = they will
They’ re           = they are
They’ve           = they have
Wasn’t             = was not
We’d               = we had
We’ll               = we will
Weren’t           = were not
We’ ve             = we have
What’s             = what is
Whwrw’s        = where is
Who’s              = who is
Who’ve           = who have
Won’t              = will not
Wouldn’t         = wouldn’t
You’d              = you had
You’ll              = you will
You’re             = you are
You’ve            = you have

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