Sunday, December 3, 2017

Come to My Birthday

Chapter IV
Come to my Birthday, Please !

We will learn :
To invite some one to do something
To give instructions, and
To ask for permission

“To invite some one to do something “
We will play the roles of beni and lina in the conversations . They are on the phone.
We will say the sentences loudly,clearly, and correctly.
example number I :
Lina : Dayu, Thanks for the purse. I Like it
Dayu : Open it, please. There;is something in it

“ To give instructions “
We will play the roles of the student in the conversations . They are celebrating Lina’s birthday.

Example number II :
Edo : Open it now, Lina. I hope you like it

Lina : SURE. Alright. Let me open it now.

“ To ask for permission “
We will play the roles of the students in the conversations. They invite each other to do some things.

Exampale number III :
Udin : Beni, leave that for a while and let’s go out for some exercise.
Beni : Ok. Wait. Let me put it ini the bag first.

Condusion :
We will spell the words and use the punctuation morks correctly. we will say the sentences loudly, clearly, and correctly. If we have any problems, we will ask our teacher for help.

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